Wednesday, September 5, 2012

So the school year begins...

We are now 5 days down into the school year and it is off to an awesome start.  I started off last week with having them create biography maps. They could either do the map on one main thing that interests them or a variety of different ideas.  They had a list of requirements (5 cities, capital city, landorms, etc.) and then could take it in any direction that they wanted.  It was fun to see all the different personalities/interests of each student.  I have to say I was pretty excited to see a few Hunger Games themed countries ;)

Here is an example of one of the maps..

Next week we are venturing into the physical features of Latin America and Canada.  We are also going to do something for September 11 on Tuesday.  Friday...iPads! I'm lucky to work at a school that has an entire cart of iPads so we will be doing some different things on them.

Also, I finally got my Homeworkopoly bulletin board up.  I'm doing mine a little different since I have five different classes.  At the end of the week I'm going to pull a student's name from each class.  They will roll the dice once to see how many times they actually get to roll to move around the board.  Here it is...

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